3912  Dillard Rd  
39th & Hilyard  
Eugene OR  97405 
(541) 345-9913 

SUNDAY LIVESTREAM SERVICE:Join us and many other friends of Unity live at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday at https://www.facebook.com/unityofthevalley (you don’t have to be a Facebook member). Other links and news are posted after the message. Last Sunday’s (4/28/24) service can be watched at https://www.facebook.com/unityofthevalley/videos/4-28-24-honoring-your-creativity/310499898606578/.

from Rev. Sherry Lady

Sometimes I go online to either YouTube or Facebook to see if I can find one of my favorite kinds of posts which are those that show such places as a railway terminal, town squares, hotel lobbies, and sometimes in front of a restaurant, or other open areas where people walk by on their way to the business of their lives – though it could be just about any area that crowds of people might be. Into those spaces, unbeknown to others who are going about the business of their lives, people will come and begin playing an instrument and as they do, others come onto the scene doing the same thing until there is a small orchestra playing hauntingly beautiful music, or a group of singers coming together to form a choir-like formation and begin singing, one voice at a time, arias or show tunes, etc. People passing become intrigued, stop for a moment, shedding their serious expressions and breaking into smiles as their eyes light up in recognition of the magic of the moment. Pretty soon fairly sizeable crowds form and stand close together, sometimes taking pictures with photographic devices, or just standing still and letting the music wash over them. On some occasions dancers emerge and express joy through their movements and people watch with amazed focus. I’m sure most of us have resonated with these events.

Whenever these things happen, it is incredible how people are able, in spite of age, ethnicity, life circumstances or musical preference, to stand elbow to elbow and just listen and observe, and be present, seemingly without thought about anything else. At least for a moment or two. To some it is the kind of experience that they have to capture on video or in photos. For others it is just a time to listen, to breathe, and to share in the feeling of joy from experiencing the transportation to another reality that touches the soul. At those times everyone is bathed in oneness as a people and in focus. To me that is the way life is supposed to be. These times need not be the extra ordinary, but the ordinary. Not just in the moment of the shared ecstasy that music can provide but in each facet of our lives. This is what I believe music keeps trying to teach us. Our souls know this, our souls long for harmony like this, to be bathed in the music of our commonality, not in the disharmony of our perceived or actual differences.

I was five years old, taking piano lessons and singing at church sometimes, when my mother took me to my first film, which was about the lives of famous composers. I remember being awestruck about the beauty of the music, though at that age I couldn’t express it well so I just kept it inside, using the remembrance of that music when I had to experience some rough spots as a child, or when I sang to my dolls while playing house. Sometimes I sang church hymns, sometimes I made up songs that I tried to do in a more classical style that I’m sure would have made some of the composers cringe, but I knew I had to have music in my life even beyond the singing I did in church and the piano lessons. Those experiences at times seemed like a real drag because I was still too young to understand the need for the discipline these things required, and I rebelled and wanted to get out of being “forced” to do them. That movie, however, was the turning point for me – or maybe I was growing up a bit – in any case I got it how music had to be a part of my life experience. It was through music throughout the years that I was able to learn to love others in my smaller world and family, rather than reject them.

I listened to a recording recently of “the music of the spheres” – actual recordings of the sounds that can be heard when one is out in space. The person recording these sounds described the sounds as perhaps what they were referring to at Jesus’ birth as “angels singing.” The recordings were so soothing, so gentle, and so expansively beautiful that I found myself tearful as I listened. The universe singing. The cosmos providing music we are hearing for the first time. What could be more beautiful? And, I believe that when we tune in to each other in this lifetime in the way Spirit intends us to, the music of our souls will propel us into heights “of glory” beyond what we could ever imagine, which is what “the heavens” are trying to tell us.

In harmony with your mission, each and everyone.




- 7:00-8:30 p.m. – Choir Practice in the Sanctuary. If you would like to be a part of the choir, contact Mo Robeson at 541-520-8489.

7:00 p.m. – The May 7th Behind the Lens film is Winchester 73, directed by Anthony Mann, followed by a Q&A session with Tom Blank. Cost is $30 for series or $5 per time. Registration forms in the Fellowship Hall.

- 7:00-9:00 p.m. – Unity Open Men’s Circle in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. The Men’s Circle is a safe container where a man can openly and authentically share about his life, with the support and in the company of other men. Meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. For more information, contact Raymond Albano at 541-285-3943 / ralbano.tmlp@gmail.com or Jim Drews at 541-731-8492 / drewsjim@yahoo.com.

- 3:30-5:00 p.m. – Therapeutic Touch in the upstairs Fillmore Wing. The NW Therapeutic Touch Institute is offering Therapeutic Touch (TT) sessions for those who have taken the classes, those interested in TT, and for those who would simply like to experience a calming, healing TT session. For more information, contact Bev Forster, RN, QTTT, at 541-520-9358.


- 10:30 a.m. Livestream & In-Person Service – “Mothers’ Day: Life Through a Mother’s Eyes” with Rev. Sherry Lady, Amanda Hadd, and Dr. Serenee Smith.

- 12:00-1:00 p.m. – Unity Environmental Action Team (EAT) meets in the Garden Room on the second Sunday of each month. For more information on Unity’s EAT, contact Betsy Priddle at heavenstobetsy74@gmail.com.


Tuesday, May 21 (7:00 p.m.) – New Behind the Lens series begins with Tom Blank. Registration forms in the Fellowship Hall.


PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: We are looking for volunteers to help make prayer shawls either by knitting or crocheting that are then given away to people in our community who are going through a difficult time. No experience necessary. To become part of the team, contact Rev. Inge at 541-968-5540 or ingetarantola@gmail.com

POTS OF SOUP: Each Sunday we serve 2-3 pots of soup. We are looking for 1 person who can bring a pot of soup on a Sunday. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you can help out.


Our May Bulletin has been posted. You can check it out at http://unityofthevalley.org/May2024/May2024Bulletin.pdf.

The Youth & Family Ministry Spring Newsletter has been posted as well. You can read it at http://unityofthevalley.org/pdfs/YFMspringnewsletter2024.pdf.

UNITY FOOD DRIVE – Please help us to fill the food barrel in the foyer with shelf-stable food (i.e., canned or no refrigeration needed) for Food For Lane County. Together, We Are Making a Difference!


NURSERY (INFANT-4 YEARS OLD) Nursery care is offered during the service in the Harmony Room.

UNIKIDS (KINDERGARTEN-5th GRADE) We currently offer fun and inspiration for the kids. There is a puppet show each Sunday for the first 10 minutes. Parents are asked to drop off their children starting at 10:20 a.m.

UNITEENS (GRADES 6-8) meets in the upstairs Treehouse room from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m.

UNITY TEEN GROUP (GRADES 9-12). The Unity Teen Group meets from 10:25 to 11:25 a.m. in the Rainbow Room with guidance from Jim Drews.


Unity of the Valley’s Simple Giving Program is an easy, automatic means by which you can give gifts or tithes to the church in the amount you specify at the frequency you select. To sign up and for more information, click http://www.unityofthevalley.org/pdfs/simplegivingform.pdf. If you have any questions, contact our Administrator, Géna, at 541-345-9913, ext. 11.


Did you know that you can help spread the word about Unity of the Valley and its events? By Liking the Facebook page and then clicking "Like" or "Share" on individual posts, you can let Facebook know that these posts are important and make sure that the posts are seen by MANY more people. Please take a moment now to Like the page (if you haven't already) and share a Unity post with your friends. Unity’s Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/unityofthevalley



Your Prayer Team is Here for You!
Do you have a prayer request? Contact Julia Linebarger-Taylor via phone or text at 541-968-5896.


Unity of the Valley’s Music Releases can be found at

"Connecting from the Heart" is now an independent nonprofit organization, working closely with Unity of the Valley. To enjoy their music, meditation and mental wellness videos, please click on this link: cfth.us.org.  

We also post Unity videos, when possible, athttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqUL3d7-JjO_45Bo3vLfrWQ/videos

You can visit Unity Online at:
Website: http://www.unityofthevalley.org



The Unity Board has approved the creation of Our Spiritual Community Support Fund. This fund was inspired by a Unity member who offered her government stimulus funds to assist individuals in our spiritual community who need it most. 


·     Send a check to Unity of the Valley, 3912 Dillard Rd., Eugene, OR 97405 with a note designating if it’s for OSCSF or general Unity finances.

·     Send a donation through PayPal using the yellow DONATE button on the home page of our website: unityofthevalley.org. This can be a one-time donation, repeated as often as you wish for different amounts, or a monthly recurring donation for a set amount. Make sure you designate whether you want your donation to be applied to OSCSF or to general Unity finances.

·     Send an email to unityval@riousa.com stating that you wish to pledge a certain amount, possibly from your government stimulus check to the OSCSF or to general Unity finances. Give your phone number so Géna can contact you to arrange how and when you wish to donate.

·     You can write a letter stating you wish to join our Simple Giving Fund to contribute a set amount (state the amount) on a regular basis (state how often) with your bank account routing and account number. Just designate what portion should be used for OSCSF or general Unity finances. Géna, our Office Administrator, opens all our mail in private. So, it is safe to include your account information in a letter, but not in an email.

To request monetary help, you can write a letter or an email (unityval@riousa.com) directed to the Ministerial Team. Please include the following information:
1. Your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
2. Your association with Unity of the Valley.
3. Name of reference at Unity of the Valley (someone who knows you).
4. Brief description of your financial need.
5. How much you are requesting.
6. Do you think your financial needs will require monthly support? 

Requests for monetary help will be reviewed by our Ministerial Team. If a request is approved, the amount granted will be dependent on how many requests we receive and how much money is available in the OSCSF.

Thank you all for being an integral part of our loving and supportive community.

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